Labor Day Love & Laughter

I got so much accomplished today. Cleaning out old paperwork and clutter that seemed to have accumulated since January.  Where has the year gone.  The third quarter is upon us making it a requirement to consider what do we need to do to create an amazing 2013.

Now is the time to make goals, plans and a timeline to create the life you love and deserve to have by making it plain to your consciousness.  Creating what you want to see in your life is as simple as being dedicated to imagining only positive thoughts of what you want to see, be, do and have in your life and your world.

Thinking only positive and loving thoughts is so important because when you remain focused on creating the life you love, you help the world become a more beautiful, compassionate, and honorable place not only for you but for your loved ones and everyone else as well.

Decide today to stop living in pain, stress, anxiety, anger, lack or anything else that does not support you in living a loving and beautiful quality of life.  Watch funny movies, avoid television especially the bad news, and be ever watchful of your thoughts. Think only good things and above all make your life a labor of love and laughter!


Create The Life You Love With The 49 Days 2 Fabulous Formula

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